Mr. L
I am so excited to introduce you to Mr. L!
This guy is quite a miracle! You'd never know that he was born at just under 4 pounds and spent three months in the NICU. His eyes are beautifully blue, his smile is contagious and I'm not sure he could be much cuter without breaking the law.
I have known his parents for almost four years. We met when they hired me to photograph their wedding back in 2014. This year, they spent their anniversary at the same place they stayed for the wedding. It was such a cool "full circle" moment. It was hard to believe we had been in the exact same room three years earlier officially kicking off the journey that led to this moment and a whole new person.
I'm excited to see where life takes this guy. He is obviously here for a reason and with parents like his, I am excited to have him to look forward to in shaping the way the world works.
This would be the point where I challenged Dad's flexibility and was reminded how that went the first time around at the wedding, haha! :)
Thanks for including me in this next part of your journey! So wonderful to share in your lives during such beautiful moments!
These photos incorporate the hat and first outfit Mr. L wore. You can see his current hat beneath them for reference, as well as the photo with it on his head. My how far you've come little man! (Also, if we consider that look he gave me in the last photo, I'm pretty sure he thinks I'm crazy. ;o) He may be on to something...)